Curious, the pleasure it gives me to annoy practitioners of force. Do I actually want this Herr Benjamenta to punish me? Do I have reckless instincts? Everything is possible, everything, even the most sordid and undignified things.

Robert Walser
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  2. Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment. - Mahatma Gandhi

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  4. God judges men from the inside out; men judge men from the outside in. Perhaps to God, an extreme mental patient is doing quite well in going a month without murder, for he fought his chemical imbalance and succeeded; oppositely, perhaps the healthy, able and... - Criss Jami

  5. Always seek justice, but love only mercy. To love justice and hate mercy is but a doorway to more injustice. - Criss Jami

More Quotes By Robert Walser
  1. That is all very senseless, but this senselessness has a pretty mouth, and it smiles.

  2. God goes with thoughtless people.

  3. Cuando se es joven hay que ser un cero a la izquierda, pues no existe nada más perjudicial que destacar pronto, prematuramente, en cualquier cosa.

  4. Se aburren quienes se pasan la vida esperando que algo los estimule desde fuera...

  5. I'd like to die listening to a piece of music. I imagine this as so easy, so natural, but naturally it's quite impossible. Notes stab too softly. The wounds they leave behind may smart, but they don't fester. Melancholy and pain trickle out instead of...

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